

Ann* is 40 years old and has been working on the CEED farm for 9 years. She has a total of 6 children, 3 boys, and 3 girls. On the farm, Ann focuses on weeding and harvesting. She tells the farm manager that she works for her children and loves all of them equally.

Prior to working at CEED's farm, Ann tried to find various fieldwork to earn money, but after working hard and long days, she was often left without any money because of a bad harvest or crop failure. 

Since she began working on CEED's farm, her life has positively changed in a number of ways:

  • She was able to buy a piece of land and build a house with an iron roof
  • She was able to pay for all six of her children’s school fees, which she was unable to do prior
  • In addition to basic food provisions for herself and her family, she was able to buy herself some clothing to wear which gave her an improved sense of self-worth

Ann's smile is contagious and she is thankful that through this employment she has been able to live a good life and take care of her children that she deeply loves. 

*Name changed to protect individual privacy