
Francis* is 26 years old and has been working at the CEED Farm in Uganda for 8 years. He is responsible for a variety of tasks but mainly focuses on weeding, pruning, and harvesting. Francis is married and has two children, who are not old enough to attend school, but thanks to his work on the farm, they will be able to attend school when the time comes. 

Prior to working on the CEED farm, Francis was considered to be a peasant, poor boy. He would find periodic farming work, but would not get paid consistently and would often work very hard and get no pay.

Since starting work on CEED's farm, Francis began earning consistent wages that were hard to come by in his local village. He also became part of a community and learned more about how to save for his future.  

With wages from his work on CEED's farm, Francis was able to construct a semi-permanent and iron-roofed home for his family. He has also been able to better take care of his health and has been able to save so that his children will be able to attend school. He has a hopeful outlook for his future and has recently expressed a desire to learn how to participate in the trading of dry goods and clothes.

*Name changed to protect individual privacy